WHAT IS Number Two Ice Cream Shop?

Welcome to Number Two Ice Cream Shop! In this exciting and silly 2D game, you play as a little gnome working in an ice cream shop. Catch as much ice cream as you can to serve them to your enthusiastic customers while avoiding trash falling onto the ice cream. BUT, where is the ice cream coming from???

Showcased AT USC GAMES EXPO 2020

Showcased AT Geidai GAMES EXPO 2020



  • Genre: Catching and Stacking

  • Platform: PC and Mac

  • Game Engine: Unity

  • My Roles: Co-designer · Engineer · Producer


  • Project Duration: November 2019 - April 2020

  • Team Size: 4

    • Muyang Li - Co-designer, Engineer

    • Shushu Li - Animator, Artist

    • Justin Schornstein - Composer, SFX Designer




❖ Designed and implemented the level progression, audio system, animations, player character controller, and camera zoom system in Unity.
❖ Led brainstorms and created paper prototype with teammates to explore ideas and concepts for this project.
❖ Set up Github and Unity project, and established workflow pipelines with teammates.
❖ Created and maintained design documents, and kept track of production using Trello and Burndown Chart.
❖ Held weekly meetings where I communicated with my teammates in Mandarin Chinese.
❖ Presented our progress at Milestone meetings with faculty from both USC and Geidai.

Project Macro that outlines the major sections of the game.

Early digital prototype of our “ice cream” catching idea we made using Unity.


❖ The audience will experience a shock moment when they realize what they thought the ice cream have been catching turns out to be poop.
❖ The audience will experience 3 different levels where, upon completing each level, they will be rewarded with the feeling of discovery with images of the world they are playing in.


❖ Conceal and reveal the world through camera zoom outs as the player progresses in order to build up excitement and anticipation for the end of the game.
❖ Art Direction: Simple and cute 2D hand-drawn art.


ABOUT Number Two Ice Cream SHop!

Number Two Ice Cream Shop! (うーん、これはおいしい!) is a game created through the collaboration program between USC’s Interactive Media and Games Division and Tokyo University of the Arts Games Program (Geidai). As one of five students selected for the first year of the collaboration program, I had the opportunity to work with talented students to prototype and develop a game over the course of six months.
